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سرگرمی فروشگاه اینترنتی اس ام اس عکی جوک خرید اینترنتی

برای ایرانیان

سرگرمی فروشگاه اینترنتی اس ام اس عکی جوک خرید اینترنتی

chemical lasers - color optical device Center


Teachers, lecturers


Project screen

Lectures, or video monitors

Tour guide tourists

Agriculture (to plant rows of normal work)

Birding (especially for requests for assistance)

For use in conference halls

Of University Professors

Testing of optical fibers



Controlled landing on the runway

Internet Antenna Installation

Chemical separation and thermal power

Especially natural philosophy

Safety alert:
Stare at the light beam might injury the temporary or permanent is on the eyes
Keep away from youngsters.
Strictly NOT throw light-weight on the eyes of others

 skilled Thermal Thousand mW optical device facilities at the side of Picture:

1 has associate degree all metal body

2 keys to lock the device performance

3 powerful reversible Li battery with charger Wireless

4 High Power Output

5 warm temperature strength

Fallout inexperienced optical device heating of

Green optical device thermal paper or cardboard will simply thicken with the warmth of your fireplace

The vary of the light beam diameter is high and is twelve klick (the distance is a smaller amount heat)

Considering that the optical device should be of the reach of kids during a security lock (Child Lock) on the insertion

Thermal optical device inexperienced ultra-tough alloy body and unstained is

While the body of the optical device consists of many components.

Connected to every alternative, extend inexperienced optical device thermal forming

Green Thermal optical device Power 4200 mAh reversible battery that's charged by the optical device

Specific heat is inexperienced optical device head optical device exhibit is a lot of stunning and may be

Laser radiation may be extraordinarily stunning on tall buildings have

Note that if you close up the switch, thermal laser, nobody will use it

Green-power optical device thermal heat may simply be a match burning

A device known as a optical device light-weight into parallel beams area unit terribly slender
  That emit specific wavelengths. The device of the active substance or to gather logs
 Light the cavity shaped once light-weight is intense. The beam of sunshine made by
 associate degree external energy supply (electricity or light-weight type) there's bolstered.

Theoretical optical device Ayshtyn prince consort in 1916 AD, raised within the article stimulated
But it took an honest year to supply Sns and technology to create the primary optical device.
In 1953, Charles Tavnz amplifier (microwave signal amplifier) is fabricated and supposed
  Self-generated tests on light rather than infrared continue
  And at the same time between totally different laboratories throughout the globe as a heavy competitive
  Considered, specifically the optical device at a similar time in a piece written by Gordon, Inc.
 Ph.D. student at Columbia, was projected in 1960, the primary optical device

  Mymn by Theodore (Theodore H. Maiman) was created. and therefore the initial gas optical device

  The Iranian scientist Ali Javan was in-built 1960. Sketch the primary optical device (maser)
Was given by Einstein, the optical device works by emitting a Fvtrvn Gvnhast that a particle
(Atoms or molecules or ions) raised an extra Fvtrvn discharged the 2 Fvtrvn
  If this is often a Hmfrkans increase the quantity of neutrons
 that may bring a strip of photons.

Laser Applications in Medicine: optical device surgical knife, optical device drilling, and ...
Laser Applications in Industry: optical device attachment, laser cut, diamond cutting, optical device measuring system and ...
Military applications: optical device hunter, laser guns, etc.
Applications and analysis Laboratory: activity, Synthesis and ...
خرید اینترنتی لیزر حرارتی سبز اصل

Types of Lasers
Segmentation of the variety:

- Solid state lasers, crystal or glass - Gas Lasers - lasers, semiconductor
 negatron lasers - lasers Rzynh of color - chemical lasers - color optical device Center - X-ray

The basic components of the optical device
Tools Lyzryk optical generator is very collimated beam of
The emission of coherent radiation area unit lined with sharp tools created ​​primarily of 3 elements: associate degree external power supply or fan, the
  Amplifiers, optical cavity or resonator.

Blower associate degree external energy supply that makes the population inversion within the optical device medium.

  Single gauge boson emission amplification during a optical device light-weight wave or field during which the inversion
Populations occur between 2 energy levels exist.
(To create the optical device work is that the variety of atoms in energy state E2 of the quantity of atoms N1 N2
The larger the energy state E1 this case is named population inversion.) Inversion
  Population and aroused emission in optical device work along to spice up the sunshine.
Otherwise it'll weaken the sunshine wave passing through the optical device medium.

Blower may be reasonably optical, electrical, chemical, or thermal energy to be provided to permit the optical device to excite the atoms and build a population inversion may be combined.

In gas lasers like He-Ne, the blower of the foremost used form of discharge. vital factors that govern the lives of the tail section of the negatron energy levels area unit totally different to his. In some gas lasers, free electrons area unit generated within the method of unloading the atoms, ions or molecules area unit excited by optical device directly impact them. In alternative lasers, the atom-atom springless collisions and impulses (or molecule-molecule) happens.

Laser medium
The electronic equipment or optical device medium is a crucial a part of the optical device instrument. several optical devices on the sort of laser employed in naming them, for instance, a helium-neon (He-Ne), CO2 (Co2) and neodymium: metallic element metal Narsng (Nd: YAG). optical device medium, which might be a gas, liquid or solid, the wavelength of the optical device radiation is set.

 even with a powerful tail, thanks to the big distinction within the energy levels of atoms may be used lifes, solely sure pairs of energy levels with the suitable spontaneous lives may be "inverted" to.

That is a "feedback tool" that optical photons within the medium (amplifier) optical device to drag back. The optical resonator or cavity of a combine of flat or arced mirror, that is precisely the king, and their centers area unit settled on the optical axis of the optical device. finish mirror reflectivity should be near 100 percent as attainable. Mirror pure mathematics and distance between them determines the structure of the magnetic attraction field within the optical device cavity.

A Fabry-Perot resonator optical device resonator is beneficial to contemplate many variables. The optical device resonator, the cavity is usually a arced mirror rather than a flat mirror is boxed, and if rather than Fabry-Perot resonator cavity is empty, the feature of the cavity is full (or virtually full) use of the substance used. However, the resonance condition for the axial modes (or longitudinal) for a similar resonator.

The work describes an easy optical device
Basically, we all know that sure resonant gauge boson energy should be generated within the optical device cavity should act with atoms, and will be reinforced through aroused emission, and every one of them throughout their trip between the resonator mirrors.

Figure (a) what's typical for associate degree atom optical device within the optical device gauge boson production happens in four stages show. Then the four-step method, with attention on the behavior of atoms in optical device and gauge boson population within the optical device cavity in Figure ( لیزر حرارتی ) is shown.

All these shapes so as explore:

In Step one of Figure (a) The energy of the optical device is coupled to an appropriate blower.

This energy is enough to create an outsized variety of atoms within the state E0 to many excited state, the collective and E3 area unit shown, win. Once the atoms in these balances were ad lib, through numerous chains, fall back to the bottom state E0. however most of them come back visit, ideally with a falling in no time (and sometimes while not radiation) of the blower levels E3 to E2 begins as a awfully explicit balance. This method has been shown to fall in step a pair of. The E2 level "laser leveling up" decision. This balance suggests that a precise balance that's life. Thus, once the atoms of E3 to E2 levels blower area unit flooded within the constancy level, that acts as a gorge bit by bit accumulate. during this method, N2 greatly multiplied. for instance, spontaneous emission once E2 levels area unit falling, the extent of E1, the "lower optical device level" is named, falls. Level E1 could be a traditional level falls quickly to the bottom state population N1 and therefore can't be an excessive amount of. the top result's a population inversion (N2> N1) for light-weight amplification by aroused emission is needed.

As the population inversion is established if the resonant gauge boson energy hν = E2 - E1 on a N2 atoms within the higher optical device level area unit passed (step 3) aroused emission will happen. With the onset of aroused emission, optical device electronic equipment starts.

Figure (a) considerably a similar perform in terms of the behavior of atoms and photons during a cavity within the optical device show. In (a) the optical device in associate degree optical resonator mirrors is shown. MIRROR one Baznabndh basically 100 percent, whereas the second mirror is partly reflective and partly emitting Terra. Most of the atoms within the state have the optical device. This mode is indicated by black dots. In (b), the external energy (light or Discharge from Drkhshzn) is blown into the surroundings and a lot of atoms within the excited levels (E3) raises. Excited states area unit shown with circles. within the tail, population inversion is established. Strengthen the method of sunshine (c), once aroused atoms (level E2) E1 balance falls ad lib begins. as a result of this is often a spontaneous emission of photons generated during this method area unit discharged indiscriminately altogether directions. Therefore, most of them will suffer the facet wall of the optical device cavity are lost. However, the variety of photons to photons that "seed" it Namym- to unfold the optical device optical axis. In Figure (c) Pykanhayy perpendicular to the mirror area unit shown. The seed gauge boson energy (resonant) sound precisely the mirror to possess the foremost quantity of N2 atoms area unit still during a state of E2 inversion, aroused emission method starts.. the method of reconstruction, that forms (d) and (e) are shown to reverse the atoms and photons during a cavity resonant energy continues to exist. as a result of O a pair of is partly clear mirror, the fraction of incident photons that pass the mirror. The photons of the light beam within the form (and) area unit shown. The photons area unit mirrored from the mirror output, sweeping motion within the interest of the cavity repeat

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